Reproduced by Kind Permission Of Mike Horrill Aldebaran

Sword Making Guide.
Making the Pommel.
This method is exactly the same as the method used to make the blade. Three
pieces of foam are cut out and a slot is cut in the centre one before they
are glued together to form a sandwich. Cut the foam but leave excess foam
all round the edges (Fig. 22).

Once the foam is glued in place mark out the design of the pommel (Fig.

Carefully cut out the design of the hilt. You should now have a sword that
looks like the one below (Fig. 24).

To make the pommel thicker than the blade you can use three thicknesses
if 12 mm foam rather than one thickness of 12 mm and two thicknesses of
6 mm.
An alternative pommel making method to make cylindrical pommels with
their axis in line with the blade, is to wind strips of 6 mm foam around
the base of the former to build up a cylinder. Cut the base flat and glue
some 12 mm on as a cap to cover the former and then cut the 12 mm as a
continuation of the cylinder.
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