Reproduced by Kind Permission Of Mike Horrill Aldebaran
Sword Making Guide.
Materials and Tools.
6mm and 12mm thick closed cell high-density polyurethane foam (Often sold
under the brand names "Plastazote" or "Calogen") (*)
Glass fibre tubing 12mm extermal diameter (**)
A small piece of scrap cloth (Cotton).
Impact adhesive (Evo Stick).
Acrylic paints (silver, black, brown)
Hot melt glue gun (Optional).
Steel Tubing (Optional).
Car body filler (Optional).
Some very sharp craft-knives (with extendible blades).
Soldering Iron (Optional).
Small paint-brushes.
A collection of jam jars or similar pots.
(*) It is important to use closed cell high density polyurethane foam.
Do not be tempted to cut corners and use "carrimat" as this will mush up
quickly and make the sword unusable. Under no circumstances use the soft
furniture foam!
(**) Glass fibre rod is virtually indestructable and will provide a
former that is light yet strong. Some people use carbon fibre if they want
a particularly light blade but carbon fibre rod is considerably more expensive.
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